Gaia Tools Update September 2, 2015

We have updated several features on Gaiatools for this September 1, 2015 update;

  • RSS is not dead!   An RSS news feed is now available from the link.  Use your favorite RSS Reader (such as Feedly, Go Read, or Feedbin) to keep up to date on the latest news and happenings!
  • News was added as a link in the top navigation bar for quick access.
  • Account recovery is now enabled.  You may reset your password by clicking the Forgot Password link on the Log in page.  (Note: requires that you have registered with a valid email account.)
  • A My Submissions link is now available from the Account dropdown enabling you to quickly access your Theme Submissions.
  • Account Settings can now be managed from the Account dropdown.  The new My Account will allow you to modify your settings such as Notifications, password, and your email address.  We are still working on this area and while the Notification settings aren't implemented everywhere, we are working to bring additional email notifications for things such as Theme Approvals/Rejections, and new featured themes or theme comments.  Be sure to check back later!
  • Fixed issue when old Random Signatures were attempting to access Randosig/img.php.  We now display a message that this system has changed.  Users can use the new and improved Random Image Generator in order to create random signature images. 


Thank you for your patience as we strive to bring you the best in Gaia Online (tm)  related tools.