Gaia Tools Gets An Upgrade

Gaia Tools is pleased to welcome a new member to our team, Unheard!  Many of you may already know of Unheard from his GaiaUpgrade userscript, which focuses on bringing improvements to user experience on Gaia Online.  Recently, one of our staff members reached out to Unheard and asked if he would be willing to partner with us to improve his userscript and bring it to a larger audience.  He explained that he would be interested in turning his userscript into an add-on, but lacked the expertise to do so.  As it happens, our leading site developer had just the skills needed for this.  After some negotiations, Gaia Tools accquired GaiaUpgrade and welcomed Unheard onto the staff.

Some of you may remember our GaiaUtils add-on from back in 2014.  Sadly, our add-on only made it through one round of beta testing before it was dropped due to time commitments and lack of a development team.  The good news is that the Gaia Upgrade add-on will contain many of the features which the GaiaUtils add-on used to have, along with many more goodies including customized emoticons, post formatting, filters, short-cuts, and more!

Please stay tuned for more updates about our add-on and future beta-testing.
In the meantime, you can check out the GaiaUpgrade userscript over here!