Gaia Item: Mystery Black Box 2k14
Last updated:
Available From:
Not available in stores
Lowest Buy Price:
500 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
352 Platinum
Today's Item (12/1/14): Merry Motley

This is the final item.

The Mystery Black Box 2k14 will contain a brand new item for each day starting at 12AM EST/9PM PST during the Black Friday 2k14 Sale. The item you'll receive will depend on what day you decide to open your box. It's up to you if you would like to claim the prize inside, or wait to see if you like the one tomorrow more. But once the day is up, that day's item will no longer be available. If you wait too long, you might miss out on the item that you liked the best!
Tags: black mystery Royal tier tieritem box 2k14 decree royaldecreebox mysteryblackbox2k14
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