Gaia Item: SDPlus Gaian Quinn, the Jester
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" Face it, Harl, this stinks! You're a certified nutso wanted in twelve states and hopelessly in love with a psychopathic clown. "

I would like to shout out to all my friends, Pandelic DJ, Fallen Porno, Shilshadu, misha coIIins, C O L O R E D C L O U D Y, and everyone else in the pillow fort. I love you all, you help keep this jester from going completely bonkers!

A huge shout out to my one true love, Krodan. You saved me, and I want to immortalize it. You are my other half, my sweet Squishy. I will always love being your wife.


Oh mistah J, I love ya's.
Tags: the doll gaian sdplus jester Quinn,
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