Gaia Item: A Pandas Untamed Weave
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Lowest Buy Price:
6,666 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
5,709 Platinum
POSE! POSE! POSE! Werk it on the runway momma. Be fierce or go home. No one needs a party city gurl up in this show.

In memory of a beloved companion. You shall be missed, adored and never forgotten. Daddy will always love you. [Gracey Mae]
Tags: navy yellow gold rainbow Lavender seabreeze a usermade offwhite sable amaranth butter toxic curls byzantium antique checkmate corrosive agate taffy weave jinglybell confectionery dj fafnir tundra Mulberry bard Untamed Pandelic projectcustom pandelicdj silverscissors bards pandas
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