Gaia Item: The Ossidian Puppeteer's Deal
Last updated:
Available From:
La Victoire
Store Price:
650 GCash
Lowest Buy Price:
100,000 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
40,000 Platinum
Once upon a time, there lived a lovelorn princess who was engaged to a hedonistic prince. No matter what she did, his eyes never fell upon her.

In desperation, she sought out the Puppeteer, a dangerous being known for his ability to manipulate. For her prince's attention, she traded everything within her rights.

Deal sealed, the effects of the Puppeteer's magic wielded instant results. The prince's eyes no longer wandered, but stayed firmly on the princess. She was ecstatic.

Tags: blue ivory hair top belt legmod premiumcs armmod arms mod legs eyes offblack deity ossidian the silver mask headpiece collar moonlight Soul puppeteer dolls Deal thepuppeteersdeal
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