Gaia Tools v3 Live!

That's right. We've officially launched our re-branded site, now version 3! It's been a long time coming with a rewrite to the entire system from the ground up. It's now way more modern, and built for scaling. Meaning we can add new features much easier now and it'll all be cohesively tied together!
We've completely overhauled the entire design of the site. The whole UI is designed to be cleaner and easier to use. We've applied more color to the site to make it look warmer and way more appealing. We applied a more consistent them across the entire site. We're very happy with the new design and we think you will be too.

Flash is dead, long live JavaScript! Some of you, especially mobile users, may have noticed no way to copy things like the random image URL, or profile theme. That's because it used Flash before. So, if you didn't have Flash enabled or installed, (mobile users), then you wouldn't have the option to easily copy that it with the click or tap of a button. We've changed our library that handles this, now it uses JavaScript, meaning it'll work for everybody!
We've made a lot of enhancements to our Theme Library! To start we've completely redesigned the page using our new consistent site design. To start off, there are now theme landing pages that better display the content, any featured themes, top rated themes, and recent themes for the main Theme Library page and categories. When you drill down and browse pages of themes you now get 25 themes per-page listed linearly so that the display image, name, rating, and installs is clearly visible.

We also made it easier to find themes. You can search for themes by tags and filter the results by category, theme type, and sort them by newest, ratings, and installs. We hope this will allow you to find that obscure Oswald or Diedrich theme you were browsing many pages to find.

That's not all, though! Now on the theme page you can clearly see all of the theme's information in an easy to follow way. Showing installs, reviews, and the overall rating, as well as better displaying what template it's designed for and other information. It also shows the star count.  Finally, we've added to the theme page viewing other themes by the same author! If you like a particular user you may want to see other themes by that person. Each theme will now show the top 6 recent themes by that, not including the theme you're currently looking at if it happens to be one of the newer themes by that author.
Our Theme Library has come a long way with this update and we're very proud of it and we think it'll make finding themes much easier for everybody!

This segues nicely into another change we've made. The submissions pages for your content now has it's own nice section on the site. Your themes, and in the future other content, are displayed cleanly to you.
GaiaUpgrade now has it's own proper page! For the longest time the our most popular tool, GaiaUpgrade, had a very empty page on our site. We have now filled it out and we think it looks absolutely beautiful and falls right in line with our thread on Gaia.

Account settings have also gotten a major overhaul. Now you can change your username!!! How crazy is that, right!? We still have some tinkering to do with the account settings pages, but overall it's had a couple of big changes and a few minor changes that make it nicer.
We hope you enjoy the new Gaia Tools, it only gets better from here! We've got some bigger updates coming in the future, but nothing as big as this complete overhaul to the entire system. We'll be able to produce most updates at a faster rate now.