GaiaUpgrade Privacy Policy

Stored Data

All data that GaiaUpgrade uses (e.g. settings, user tags, thread filters) is local to your computer and is never synced with a cloud service without opt-in by you.

Browsing History

GaiaUpgrade does not collect or transmit any of your browsing history.


GaiaUpgrade does not store or collect account credentials when you log into Gaia Online.


GaiaUpgrade requires permissions to use functionality provided by your browser and to access external sites (e.g. Gaia Online, Gaia's content delivery networks, and Gaia Tools)

Why does GaiaUpgrade need to access my browsing history?

GaiaUpgrade needs permission to access your browsing history in order to know if you're on Gaia Online and which page, as well as blocking web requests (e.g. Gaia's log in reward scripts). GaiaUpgrade does not collect or transmit your browsing history, and does not access past browsing history.

Why does GaiaUpgrade need to access my browser tabs?

GaiaUpgrade needs permission to access tabs to open and close tabs

Why does GaiaUpgrade need to access downloads?

GaiaUpgrade provides functionality to export and import your preferences to and from a file on your computer.

Why does GaiaUpgrade want to send me notifications?

GaiaUpgrade has functionality to check if you have new notifications on Gaia Online and display a desktop notification to alert you.

Does GaiaUpgrade collect my information to be sold?

No. User privacy and security is important to us, doing that is pretty scummy.