Gaia Item: A Mentally Advanced Ponytale
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Lowest Buy Price:
40,000 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
20,207 Platinum
"...Stipulations placed before you to get all the things you really need.
Mr. Big may make things hard but you have got to plant your seeds.

Go to war.
Fight more.
Your dreams thrive by competition.

You'll find no one famous ever got there just by flinching at their foes,
Cling against the torment, claw with all your might are what you know.

Don't let go,
just grow!
Don't wait or play to indecision!

Chin Up! Don't bet on sinking ships because you've got to be more grand.
You've got to think ahead and carry out the things you've planned.

The truth can be of use when you can see where falsehoods lay.
Don't quit on hopes or dreams when you have simply got to-

Chin Up! Don't be on sinking ships because they'll only drag you down.
You've got to keep on sailing even when you want to frown.
The world will keep on turning without matter where you land.
You might as well be running when your feet should hit the sand..."
Tags: gray blue pink red brown green gold purple night tea ivory a usermade sherbert offblack of the wendy curls dusk pluto antique burgundy miserable swampberry jinglybell decay taupe rust celestial Marshmallow bard Untamed raine amazing projectcustom Born advanced silverscissors bards potpourri sweetberry cetcham theamazingcetcham Mentally Ponytale NightbornofRaine
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