Gaia Item: Regni's Divine Judgment
Last updated:
Available From:
La Victoire
Store Price:
250 GCash
Lowest Buy Price:
50,000 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
36,999 Platinum
Legends tell of an Angel among the highest of Choirs. One, who was branded with a fiery mark of shame, and banished for his treacheries against all of mankind. At the very moment that his once prestigious wings were branded, they lost their magnificent white brilliance, quickly fading to black... They would continue to be the cause of such great pain and anguish for many years to come.

Eventually, as the years went on, he could no longer take the persistent reminder of his agonizing betrayal that lingered on his back. Thus, with building determination, he cleaved off his wings! Locking them away in a chest of great magnitude, deep within a maze. People say to this day that the wings lay there in wait. Waiting to be found by those souls who dare to look for them, among the Angel's labyrinth of horrors. Such horrors that are sure to test any man or supernatural being who may dare to enter such a place.

Tags: black yellow gold glow usermade Divine wings angelic canary Lamia Judgment regnilamia Regni's regni
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