Gaia Item: SDPlus Gaian TRC's Sacred T.F.A.
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2,000 Platinum
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2,282 Platinum
TRC’s Eager explorers found a fading yet clear passionate message from the Elite; The Fartsy Artist, it reads:

"The friendships you left behind while working those rigs?
Trying to get swag, your personality's a soiled rag
You aren't worth investing in, throw you in the trash
You're as fake as a ripoff gucci bag
The only thing that's really worth this
Is friendship and bonds, cemented over time.
I cannot lie, or even deny, that friends get me through the bitterness..

To be continued...
Tags: blue red teal yellow gold purple usermade the wings gaian angelic v2 sdplus artist sacred magnum canary theraycook TRC's Opus Fartsy T.F.A.
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