Gaia Item: A Stars Love
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Lowest Buy Price:
75,000 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
85,622 Platinum
A long time ago, in a nightclub that twinkled far away, a rebellious Demon and a dazzling Star crossed paths. Their star-crossed love bloomed secretly before war divided them, ultimately leaving the Star in darkness. But time brought peace, and the Demon and Star tangled together once more. “Will you marry me?” asked the Star, down on one knee and determined to end their star-crossed divide…

Nowadays, in a nightclub that twinkles far away, a Demon and a Star dance together, proudly in love. ?
Tags: vintage gold stars love rose ivory hair a horns wig usermade headdress offblack amaranth chiffon jay seafoam ponytail pearls shinigami ascension gems Kiro_Shinigami kiro verloki
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