Gaia Item: A Stars Dream
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Lowest Buy Price:
30,500 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
32,378 Platinum
The warm glow of a single candle was all that was left to cast its light upon the shadowy room of the log cabin. The tray that rested underneath it had collected nearly all of the wax that held the source of light together; the dancing fire was on the verge of extinguishing. A Demon and a Star slumbered, unpredictable gears of fate turning in their dreams.

Both the Demon and the Star gazed upon an ancient stone tablet in which seven moon crystals sparkled and glittered with iridescence and esoteric strength. United, the moon crystals held the power to make dreams come true. That's when the gold and silver of their gazes met.

"Goodnight, lovely Gaians. Sweet dreams."
Tags: blue peach gold purple stars rose ivory hair a horns wig usermade headdress drizzle dragon ponytail amethyst dream pearls shinigami ascension vega Gossamer gems Purified Kiro_Shinigami rosegold kiro peritwinkle verloki
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