Gaia Item: TRC's Ancient Treasure: Alluring Demon Set
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Lowest Buy Price:
75,000 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
79,666 Platinum
While in King TRC's ruins; explorers came across this alluring crown set, spell books, and a broken KTD pentagram carved into the ground! Someone in TRC's kingdom summoned KTD! KTD is the very powerful yet lustful demon who lead the destructive battle against the Gods 500 years ago! Legends say that one kiss from this demon and you'll be under his spell forever! Is this set and pentagram all that is left behind of this powerful Demon? Could he return?! Only one way to find out!

To Be Continued...
Tags: pink crown purple demon usermade headband doll ancient halo set alruna treasure succubi Primrose alluring trc TRC's theraycookv2 kissthedemon
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