Gaia Item: Gladsome Terra
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Lowest Buy Price:
218,000 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
209,136 Platinum
In the effervescent refuge of the galaxy so great,
Past a still speckle of sluggish pulsate,
Roosts a rousing sphere in eclipse sheer.

All the grass which weaves over graves the glory of the field,
All the brine and bubbles beating beaches by cliffs concealed,
Civil lights glow like fireflies as Demon's eyes strand on aligned skies.

Enticed by the gravity of a dimly lit outlandish place,
Star's eye shines a soothing signal foggy in the ink of space,
And gladsome gazes gather in silence to tether transiently for a reprise.
Tags: black blue crown green gold purple sun dark hair top pants face belt legmod usermade armmod legs eyes Braid king raven sash checkmate moth staff lord sol reign shinigami Planetary terra Alexandrite oriana karat kiro verloki Gladsome
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