Gaia Item: Beautiful Gardens
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Lowest Buy Price:
200,000 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
208,210 Platinum
Beautiful Gardens (simply referred to as BG) is a Gaian television daytime soap opera. It's been airing nearly every weekday on GBS since April 20, 1969.
The series is set in the fictional town of Bonninette and focuses primarily on the residents of Marjorgum Lane. Other residents, however, are also highly represented in several mostly outrageous story arcs. The show has been renewed through March 2024. It's set to celebrate its 14,000th episode in late 2022.
Tags: black flower green yellow gold purple orange cream cherry tree Flowers nature ivory trees Light beauty Beautiful historic usermade blonde pearl tawny offblack sickly background golden seafoam grass garden swampberry amethyst nugget rouge princely Wildflower unrelenting gardens Bonaduece Obnatus Amare pomme Pianette gooby Homespun marjoram
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