Gaia Item: Super Duper Pure Bundle
Last updated:
Available From:
Not available in stores
9999 GCash
Lowest Buy Price:
7,500,000 Platinum
Average Buy Price:
6,617,150 Platinum
This bundle contains: Pure Wedding Bells, Pure Lightbringer, Pure NezuMimi, saintly witch, Shining Solemn Juvenile, Shining Somber Juvenile, The Pure Cat Tower, Pure Froggy Furnishings, Pure Kira Kira Magica, Pure Angel Aura Quartz, Divine Sugar Plum, Ghostly Fukattack, Pure Heart of the Cards, Pure Tsundromeda and the new I am Pure Witch, Pure Anniversaireine and I am Pure Flowers!

Tags: Bundle super pure DUPER
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